Sunday, December 12, 2010

Home Made Pasta

Yeah for early Christmas presents!!! Mine was a pasta maker for my Kitchen-aid. I have lots to learn about making pasta but with Marcella Hazan by my side I'm confident I'll improve:) Oh one more thing....I'm figuring out food photography and how to get the picture on my blog. Many thanks and appreciation to those bloggers sharing their experiences. Happy, happy.....small successes make my day and make me more confident.

I made a light sauce of onion, garlic and fresh tomatoes in a mixture of olive oil and butter. Topped with freshly grated parmesan and lots of pepper it was delicious. With our pasta we had chicken prepared like veal scaloppine with lemon. Served with a yummy pinot everything was fabulous! I'd add a picture of the whole meal but haven't figured that out yet............hopefully soon I'll be able to add additional photos AND put them where I want them to be!

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